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Greetings from Jeffrey’s bay, South Africa!

After my squad and I spent a week in Hua Hin, (1/3-11/23) Thailand for a week of debriefing Cambodia and resting, we arrived in South Africa!

South Africa is beautiful. I wish I could take you all here and let you see through my eyes the beauty and nature that I see. The nature and change of scenery is very drastic from Asia. I am living close to the coast,  and I can see the ocean out of my window.

Every morning when I wake up, I stick my head out of my giant window to catch the morning breeze.

My squad is also living together in close proximity, and that’s something we didn’t have in Cambodia. It’s such a gift to live close with my brothers and sisters. In the evening time, one of my most treasured moments is all 40 of us coming outside to watch the sunset and be in each other’s presence. I am Marveled every time I see the the sunset, and a glimmer of Hope and Peace is ladened on my spirt.

The spirit of joy is always following me around. I feel like I am constantly being immersed in Our creators love.

My team and I have been given the privilege to be on serve team the last 2 weeks, and we are able to tend to our squad mates and our host Wendy and take care of them. It’s been a gift to not only serve them physically, but also spiritually.

This next week, and for our remaining time here, we will start working at a preschool.

As you can imagine I am thrilled beyond all measure! I am so EXCITED!!!!

Will you pray for the lives of the children and the teachers who we will be able to minister to? And that we can wholeheartedly show them who Jesus is to us, and who he can be to them?

Thank you all for the continued prayers!

I will be posting an update of Cambodia in the days to come!